Sunday, August 18, 2024

Little People Sighting - Washington State- Skookum Lake

 In the middle of folding laundry today, my good friend Bob Antone (find his YouTube channel here), gave me a great reason to procrastinate on putting laundry away as he had just been speaking to a friend, Sheila, and found out she had a little people sighting as a child. I was able to speak to Sheila on the phone and she was kind enough to share her story with us. She is interesting finding other people who have had sightings in the area to talk to about hers. If you or anyone you know has seen little people in the area of Skookum Lake in Washington or any surrounding areas, please reach out to me through the contact form on my blog and I will put you in touch with her.

The encounter occurred while on a camping trip with her father and sister in the 70's. She mentioned the trip hadn't gone as planned so they didn't stay long as we've all had happen on camping trips. Her father had forgotten utensils so dinner involved eating beans out of cans with their hands. They had also gotten swarmed by mosquitoes. The typical things to put a damper on a camping trip. 

As they were driving away from the camp site, the lake was on the left and the woods were on the right. Looking out of the car window towards the woods, Sheila saw at least a dozen little people about 2-3 feet tall dressed like gnomes. Some were obviously male and some female. Some were hiding behind trees and seemed a little shy, others were playing peek-a-boo and one female even waved at them. Her and her sister were excited to see them and it was a very positive experience. Her father however, seemed a bit bothered by it tends to happen with adults. He slowed down the car and said he knew what he saw but didn't want to talk about it and expressed the same sentiment if it was brought up later on when Sheila was an adult. This feels like a very dad like way to deal with seeing the paranormal to me. 

Again, please don't hesitate to reach out with any sightings or information regarding this area specifically (or any other areas).


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Anawan Rock

 Over the weekend I made the drive to Anawan Rock in Rehoboth, MA. I had previously only been there at night or with other people along. This time I went first thing in the morning alone, so I would have uninterrupted time there. 

Site History

On August 28th 1676, Benjamin Church and a group of soldiers captured sachem Anawan. Anawan was what we would call the war chief of the Pocasset people. After the death of Metacomet (King Philip) about 2 weeks before, Anawan succeeded him as sachem. They chose this site strategically due to its protection from the elements as well as providing some camouflage from any soldiers passing through. 

When Church found them he promised Anawan, who was then a very old man, that if he surrendered peacefully and came to Plymouth with him, his life would be spared. Anawan agreed and even presented his tribal regalia to Church including his Wampum belt. When they arrived at Plymouth, Church explained their agreement but had to leave town for several days. While he was gone, the Plymouth officials decided to not uphold the promise and executed Anawan, beheading him and displaying his head on a pike for years afterwards. This was the last event of King Philip's War.

Reported Activity 

One of the phenomenon commonly reported here is phantom fires. This has been reported in other areas of the Bridgewater Triangle, but seems to be more prevalent here. The floating balls of light (Tei-Pai-Wankas) seen all over the triangle are also spotted here. There have also been reports of full bodied apparitions and numerous EVPs.

My experience

The site itself is physically impressive. A rock in the middle of a swamp doesn't sound exciting but this is not a normal rock. The rock itself is a pudding stone. It composed of smooth stones essentially cemented together. The swamp was formed by glaciers and its believed the pudding stones were deposited here by the glacier and originally may have come from Greenland. If you have ever seen pictures, they do not do it justice and it comes across much smaller than it actually is. You can climb up to the top and get a great view of the swamp.

I found several small shrines there. At the base of a very old, moss covered tree, several quohog shells had been left. On the north side of the rock, was a small pile of stones on a ledge. On the western side of the rock where Anawan would have been camping was a small alcove in the stone which has a quohog shell that a candle had been burned on. 

I brought what little equipment I had with me. An EMF detector, pendulum and dowsing rods. There was absolutely no EMF at all on the entire site. My grandpa's dowsing rods wanted me to walk out into the swamp. Maybe there was something paranormal or maybe these rods are used to finding water since thats what my grandpa used them for. Honestly I'm by no means an expert or even experienced with them. I just used them to find my missing headphones once. User error cannot be ruled out. Then I got out my pendulum which I have more experience with. This might be strange in itself but it did not move at all. That has never happened to me. 

The most profound experience I had was just sitting quietly and reflecting on what happened there hundreds of years ago. This is one of the last physical locations left from King Philip's War and that war set the stage for how indigenous people would be treated in the country. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

New Sighting- Freetown, MA- Anonymous

 This occurred in the summer of 2020. 

The witness has asked to remain anonymous so we will call him Ben. He did not ask for the dog to be anonymous but I've also decided to protect the pooch's privacy and have changed his name also.

Ben had recently adopted a dog to have some companionship during Covid lock down. An Australian shepherd mix, Colby has lots of energy and required lots of exercise to keep him happy. Ben had taken Colby to the Freetown State Forest for a walk to get out some exercise. If you're familiar with the area, this incident took place on the path near Assonet Ledge, right near the trees with pentagrams spray painted on them (what is wrong with people? and don't get me started on all the trash there). 

It was getting close to dusk so Ben was trying to get out the last of Colby's energy before heading home. He had him on one of those retractable leashes and had let it out as long as possible so Colby was a bit ahead of him on the path. Suddenly Colby yelped like he had gotten hurt but then froze in his tracks and started to growl at something off the path. When Ben caught up with him, at first he couldn't see what the dog was growling at. He looked around and then looked back and then he saw it where he was looking moments before and saw nothing.

He said the creature was no more than 20 feet away from where they were standing. It was about 3 feet tall, gray skin with patchy black fur, a face like a chipmunk and a big pot belly. The creature seemed to be frozen in fear or shock, possibly scared of the large growling dog. Ben wasn't sure how long the group's staring contest lasted but he said he suddenly realized it was almost dark and they needed to get out of the woods. He pulled Colby away from the creature with a little difficulty and after they were a few feet down the path, Colby began acting normally again. 

Some of the questions I always ask are about sensory information leading up to and during the encounter. While he didn't hear anything strange or see any orbs or other strange lights, he did say there was a strange amount of fireflies that night. This could be completely unrelated but its interesting because the Indiana puk-wudgies of Mounds State Park are known to be associated with fireflies. When I asked Ben if he smelled anything strange he said there was a floral smell at first which then mixed with the smell of ozone as he got closer. 

Ben mentioned that as they were leaving, he repeatedly looked behind him to make sure they weren't being followed but he never saw the creature again.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dogs: High Strangeness Alert Systems

Numerous sightings start with someone taking their dog for a walk and the dog alerting them to a strange creature that they may not have noticed on their own. There are very similar stories associated with haunted locations, bigfoot sightings, UFO encounters and during the Mothman flap in the 60s, multiple dogs went missing. I choose to believe they ran away and found new loving families in a less strange location.

Dogs have a hearing range of 40 hZ to 60 kHz which is much greater than humans, in addition to this dogs can perceive certain wavelengths of infrared light. Some have a greater sensitivity than others. This is interesting because of the associated with infrared lights and high strangeness. Across the world through multiple time periods, there have been sightings of light orbs revolving around strange creature sightings. Many times these orbs appear as red and morph from there, either materializing into a physical object or cycling through the spectrum in order. See Tei-pai-wanka entry for the pukwudgie association with these light orbs.

We all know the ROYGBIV spectrum from elementary school but before red is actually infrared. It would stand to reason that these manifestations are actually starting as infrared which some dogs are able to perceive but we are not. If light based entities are either manifesting from another dimension or possibly always living among us but on a spectrum we can't perceive, it would make sense that a dog would be able to detect them before we would. 

Who wants to let me borrow their dog to go look for pukwudgies?

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Little People of the Buckeye State

 In honor of the Loveland Frogman festival this weekend, I decided to look into little people sightings and lore in Ohio and I was not disappointed. I've heard of sightings in that area and have 2 reported to me so I knew they were out there. They seem to be most prevalent in the south west part of the state and along the Ohio river valley. You know....where all the other weird stuff in that area happens. Further north in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, they also have stories of little people.

They are the traditional little men of the wilderness type of stories. They seem to hang out in state parks, but especially near rocky outcrops and ledges. People often hear a kind of high pitch chattering in the woods before seeing them. They are more often spotted in small groups here than they are here in New England.

As is expected, they hang out in veins of high strangeness. Bigfoot, thunderbirds, UFOs, the beloved frog men, Grassman (look him up if you arent familiar), etc. Across the Ohio River in Point Pleasant, WV, there was a strange light and "people of small stature" spotted along the river bank at night. This occurred in 1967, during the height of the Mothman sightings. Mothman stole the spotlight that time.

The historical lore in the area, is that these little people are mostly harmless tricksters or guardians of the woods. I've heard them directly referred to as pukwudgies but also called the European terms of brownies or goblins. I read old stories from that area that said if you saw one and then told someone afterwards, it was bad luck. The talented folk artist, Morgan Evans, said that growing up in the Ohio river valley in nearby KY, the story she heard was if you saw one and told someone else, that they would soon see one also. I also read accounts of mean humans holding them captive to protect their property. I hope this is no longer in practice. FREE THE PUKS!

Little People Sighting - Washington State- Skookum Lake

 In the middle of folding laundry today, my good friend Bob Antone ( find his YouTube channel here ), gave me a great reason to procrastinat...